Just where did this mockery originate? How did this pejorative phrase receive such high circulation? Is there truly a time and place we can place are finger on? Well, let me briefly try to unravel this mystery.
Will have to go back to a time when rumors abounded of a collaboration with George Lucas-The very same producer of whom created Star Wars! Speculation arose of a similar-themed Disney attraction.
To start the promotion hookers, Michael purposely sold a piece to the tabloids. About sleeping in a Hyperbolic Oxygen Chamber. You remember it well???
"In the news today...From the strange and weird fact-file...Singer Michael Jackson sleeps in a hyperbolic chamber. The singer says that the hyperbolic oxygen chamber will revert the aging process..."(Here this piece for the intro of "Tabloid Junkie")
The publicity stunt was Michael's original intent to promote a Sci-Fi image for himself. In anticipation for "Captain Eo". Inaugurating a brand new look which would eventually be called his "Bad" Era. Similarly, Michael submitted two more papers on "Bubbles" and "The Elephant Man" to further promote his then new album.
But these tabloid mongers saw something very lucrative! People were buying covers of the shelf like hot candy! Not only did the media twist these stories out of context, but fabricated their own juicy tales to satiate the public eye. Michael finally put a halt to this marketing ploy(which all celebrities get into). But these yellow journalists made him the most tabloids celebrity of all time!
In light of all this, some British tabloid machine came out with a cliche infamously known as "Wacko Jacko". Soon media outlets all around the world evangelized headlines containing that very phrase! In no time did it find it's way to the streets.
Contrary to popular opinion, Michael did not self-proclaim himself to be the King of Pop, in his hopes to ward that bloody name away. Rather, he earned that tittle from dominating the radio airwaves in the 80's. And producing such excellent music! In fact, Elizabeth Taylor was the one who first coined the term during an "Artist of The Decade" award ceremony.
"Michael Jackson is the true King of Pop, Rock, and R&B."-Elizabeth Taylor
So, who first coined the term "Wacko Jacko? To put it bluntly, some yellow journalistic opportunists from the U.K.
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